There is a bug in version 2.2 which causes a simulation that reads data from a restart file to crash if mesh walls are used. In the zipped folder attached with this post you will find the files necessary to recreate the problem. First run to generate the restart file and then run The bug is version dependent. It only appears when I run it with version 2.2. It works fine with version 2.1.2
Attachment | Size |
![]() | 1.77 KB |
ckloss | Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:50
Hi tapan, thanks! We'll fix
Hi tapan,
thanks! We'll fix that in the next release!
Cheers, Christoph
richti83 | Sat, 10/27/2012 - 10:57
Hi, is this bug related
is this bug related to
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x0000000000515b11 in LAMMPS_NS::GeneralContainer::delRestart (this=0x290d6b0, n=0, scale=false, translate=false, rotate=false)
at general_container_I.h:196
(gdb) info local
j = 0
i = 0
? and is there a "quick fix" for that ? or when is the next release planned ?
ckloss | Mon, 10/29/2012 - 15:09
Hi, yes it's related to
yes it's related to that. A quickfix would be to add
virtual bool addElement(double **nodeToAdd,int lineNumb) = 0;
to multi_node_mesh_parallel.h
and applying the following change
- this->addElement(nodeTmp.begin()[0]);
+ this->addElement(nodeTmp.begin()[0],-1);
to multi_node_mesh_parallel_buffer_I.h
Cheers, Christoph
ajithsub | Sun, 11/11/2012 - 23:25
Please note that in addition
Please note that in addition to what Christoph said, I had to make the following changes:
Line 65: bool TrackingMesh::addElement(double **nodeToAdd,int lineNumb)
Line 69: if(MultiNodeMeshParallel::addElement(nodeToAdd,lineNumb))
Line 104: bool MultiNodeMeshParallel::addElement(double **nodeToAdd,int lineNumb)
e.derakhshani | Mon, 12/31/2012 - 05:44
Activating balance command in LIGGGHTS
I have successfully compiled balance.cpp and balance.h and then I recompiled CFDEM to introduce balance command to it. Now balance command is activated in LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC and It works very well. Also I check it on the Cluster and everything seems fine.
But when I tried to run CFDEM I faced with the following errors. Then I separably checked ligghts in two state : 1. without restart file 2. with restart file. It seems when information read from restart file liggghts crashes.
Any one has any idea ???
Error :
# granular walls
#fix forwardwall all mesh/surface file ../DEM/geometery/forwardwall.stl type 1 heal auto_remove_duplicates surface_vel 0. 0. 0. curvature 1e-5
fix splineroof all mesh/surface file ../DEM/geometery/splineroof.stl type 1 heal auto_remove_duplicates surface_vel 0. 0. 0. curvature 1e-5
[n06-98:23087] *** Process received signal ***
[n06-98:23087] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[n06-98:23087] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[n06-98:23087] Failing at address: 0x8
[n06-98:23089] *** Process received signal ***
[n06-98:23089] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[n06-98:23089] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[n06-98:23089] Failing at address: 0x8
[n06-98:23083] *** Process received signal ***
[n06-98:23083] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[n06-98:23083] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[n06-98:23083] Failing at address: 0x8
Resetting global state of Fix splineroof Style mesh/surface from restart file info
fix bottomwall all mesh/surface file ../DEM/geometery/bottomwall.stl type 2 heal auto_remove_duplicates surface_vel 0. 0. 0. curvature 1e-5
Resetting global state of Fix bottomwall Style mesh/surface from restart file info
fix wall all wall/gran/hertz/history mesh n_meshes 2 meshes splineroof bottomwall
Resetting global state of Fix tracker_splineroof Style contacthistory/mesh from restart file info
[n06-98:23089] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x2b4d3de2f500]
[n06-98:23089] [ 1] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS17FixContactHistory14unpack_restartEii+0x1bc) [0x5b5bfc]
[n06-98:23089] [ 2] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS6Modify7add_fixEiPPcS1_+0xf21) [0x6ecad1]
[n06-98:23089] [ 3] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS14FixMeshSurface20createContactHistoryEi+0x109) [0x5e1f69]
[n06-98:23089] [ 4] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS11FixWallGran11post_createEv+0x98) [0x67bec8]
[n06-98:23089] [ 5] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS6Modify7add_fixEiPPcS1_+0xfe6) [0x6ecb96]
[n06-98:23089] [ 6] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input15execute_commandEv+0xe13) [0x6ae393]
[n06-98:23089] [ 7] liggghts(_ZN9LAMMPS_NS5Input4fileEv+0x520) [0x6aea30]
[n06-98:23089] [ 8] liggghts(main+0x4b) [0x6bdd0b]
[n06-98:23089] [ 9] /lib64/ [0x2b4d3e05ecdd]
[n06-98:23089] [10] liggghts() [0x487bf9]
[n06-98:23089] *** End of error message ***
ckloss | Fri, 01/11/2013 - 09:34
This is not a bug of the
This is not a bug of the public version. Static load balancing is not part of the LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC release (for good reasons). If you add files to the release and compile it, you do this at your own risk.
dixonarulraj | Fri, 11/08/2013 - 22:37
how to grow the particles inside the boundary
i am Dixon ,
i am very new to this software.
i want to know the command to grow the particle size inside the boundary,
Thanks and regards,