very minor bug in unfix and restart when using same name for a fix

Submitted by pfalkingham on Tue, 02/16/2016 - 17:52

I have a two-part simulation with a set-up file and a run file.

I happen to name the contact fix 'cont0' in both. The set-up input creates fix cont0, runs what needs to run, then unfixes cont0 and writes the restart file. The run input then reads the restart file and creates a new fix cont0 (with the same properties).

On Cygwin, this is fine and causes no issues (compiled as fedora). But when compiled on XC30, this results in a seg fault when running the run input.

I've attached the scripts that fail. If cont0 is named cont1 in liggghts_Run [line 61], then everything runs correctly.

It's a very minor problem, but one that took me a while to figure out, so maybe just an error message would be useful.

Plain text icon 1st part3.34 KB
Plain text icon 2nd part229.24 KB