Restarting Multisphere with fix wall/gran and changes to fix property/global

Submitted by estefan31 on Sat, 04/01/2017 - 06:16

I think this is a bug with multisphere and read_restart when either fix property/global is used or when fix wall/gran is used. If fix property/global is changed between runs and then a restart file is saved, then the atoms will not be reloaded when read_restart is called in a second input file. If the second input file also includes a fix wall/gran sometime after read_restart, then the code will either crash or throw an error. I notice this happens when multisphere is run in parallel and on a single processor. If you include an unfix for the fix property/global before changing it then the code works fine. I used the in.insert_stream and in.insert_stream_reset_timestep example files to show this. The error says "mesh contact history overflow, boost neigh_modify one (../fix_contact_history_mesh.cpp:659)". I think this may be a multisphere bug because it doesn't happen when single spheres are used.

arnom's picture

arnom | Tue, 06/20/2017 - 14:27


thanks for your bug report. There is indeed a bug present in the code which we have identified and a fix will be released with the next LIGGGHTS version (mid July).


DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer