Removing a mesh

Submitted by Khan on Thu, 12/12/2019 - 06:00


I would like to remove the mesh after applying the desired stress by using fix/mesh/surface/stress/servo.

I have come to know about "surface mesh feature remove" as indicated in the following links:

Is there any description of "surface mesh feature remove" available with anyone for the LIGGGHTS scripts?

Is there any other way to remove the mesh completely after using it?



richti83's picture

richti83 | Thu, 12/12/2019 - 22:03

just use unfix FIX_ID_NAME_OF_THE mesh
(when the mesh is part of a wall, use unfix wall first, than unfix the mesh, than refix the wall with remaining meshes)

I'm not an associate of DCS GmbH and not a core developer of LIGGGHTS®
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