Removed mesh/surface in the 3.4 version?

Submitted by chqiao on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 15:32

Hi all,
After update to the latest 3.4 version, I found that mesh/surface feature maybe removed, because it prompts that:
ERROR on proc 0: surface mesh feature remove not available in this version (../surface_mesh_feature_remove.h:1)
Is this really? Removed permanent or temporary? How do I use a imported mesh as a wall alternatively?



robin | Thu, 05/19/2016 - 10:52

From what I've tested, I have the same problem when calling fix mesh/surface.
In the documentation, the syntax doesn't seem to have change, running the example given:
fix cad all mesh/surface file mesh.stl type 1
leads to the error described by Cheng.
Thanks for any hint about syntax changes or work-arounds...

Daniel Queteschiner | Thu, 05/19/2016 - 12:22

In surface_mesh_feature_remove.h replace
void handleExclusion(int *) {this->error->one(FLERR,"surface mesh feature remove not available in this version");}
void handleExclusion(int *) {}
and recompile

robin | Thu, 05/19/2016 - 15:39

Thanks a lot Daniel for the work-around, that's helpful!
I've pulled release 3.4.1, and the bug looks fixed.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 06/14/2016 - 23:01

Hi all,

just to officially mention it here: Thanks for posting the issue, it was fixed immediately by releasing 3.4.1
Thanks to everyone for raising awareness!

Best wishes

NTT1508 | Tue, 08/16/2016 - 09:46

Hi Christoph,

I looked into the manual of LIGGGHTS 3.4.1 but not see any description about removing mesh/surface. The surface_mesh_feature_remove.h looks not work in this version yet. I would like to remove a mesh after applying mesh/surface/stress/servo. Any solution?


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 09/13/2016 - 15:32

Hi all,

sorry that we in the end produced the same flaw in 3.5.0 that was in the 3.4.1 version. This was due to a file copy operation which happens after the quality control loop
My apologies - we'll add additional measures for the next release

Best wishes

TWoelken | Thu, 01/12/2017 - 14:44


I do have the same problem as described in this post. When I try to use an .stl surface mesh as walls I get the error message
"surface mesh feature remove not available in this version (../surface_mesh_feature_remove.h:1)".
I deleted my LIGGGHTS folder, cloned the github repository (LIGGGHTS version 3.5.0) and checked the $HOME/LIGGGHTS-Public/src/surface_mesh_feature_remove.h.

It does still contain the line with this error message, so I modified it as suggested by Daniel Q. in this post here:
So that it now just contains the line:
void handleExclusion(int *) {}
I then used sudo make clean-all and sudo make fedora_fpic in the LIGGGHTS-Public/src directory to recompile and it stop without further error messages.
However, when I try to a simulation with a .stl-file I still get the same error message "surface mesh feature remove not available in this version (../surface_mesh_feature_remove.h:1)" even though I deleted it before compilation.
Any suggestions what I have done wrong? And why did this even come up, from what I read here in the forum this was an known and solved problem. I wonder if i should use the LIGGGHTS version 3.4.1 instead, where this was explicitly fixed. How to I get this specific version of the repository? (No experience with github so far)

Thanks and best regards, Thies

TWoelken | Thu, 01/12/2017 - 15:13

A little update: I used git checkout b7cc08a225cb25b5b5db3b2bd5e9728fc1f3a127 to get a the LIGGGHTS version with the commit message "Update surface_mesh_feature_remove.h". Now the surface_mesh_feature_remove.h file contains:

void handleExclusion(int *) {if(MultiNodeMesh::minFeatureLength() > 0. )this->error->one(FLERR,"surface mesh feature remove not available in this version");}

However, after recompiling I still get the same error "surface mesh feature remove not available in this version (../surface_mesh_feature_remove.h:1)"

Khan | Thu, 12/12/2019 - 04:54


Would you please elaborate how can we use this in the LIGGGHTS script as there are no descriptions available in the manual?



Khan | Thu, 12/12/2019 - 05:54

I meant the command "surface mesh feature remove"!

I would like to remove the mesh after the application.
