read_data using fix keyword

Submitted by TobRas on Thu, 03/03/2016 - 11:58


in the documentation of the method read_data ( it is mentioned how the fix keyword can be used to process a specific portion of the data file through a pre-defined fix.

Trying to apply this functionality, however, fails. When I look through the source code I end up at the function ReadData::fix :

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
read fix section, pass lines to fix to process
n = index of fix
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void ReadData::fix(int ifix, char *keyword)
int nchunk,eof;

bigint nlines = modify->fix[ifix]->read_data_skip_lines(keyword);

bigint nread = 0;
while (nread < nlines) {
nchunk = MIN(nlines-nread,CHUNK);
eof = comm->read_lines_from_file(fp,nchunk,MAXLINE,buffer);
if (eof) error->all(FLERR,"Unexpected end of data file");
nread += nchunk;

This function contains read_data_skip_lines and read_data_section, but the only occurrences I found for these functions are in fix.h, where they are just defined (or return 0 resp.).

So, is this a bug and the functionality of using read_data with the fix keyword not applicable in LIGGGHTS?


Daniel Queteschiner | Thu, 03/03/2016 - 12:40

Of course the fix class in question needs to implement read_data_skip_lines and read_data_section. None of the fixes currently available in LIGGGHTS uses/supports this feature as far as I know. The manual gives the fix property/atom as an example but this refers to the LAMMPS implementation of the command (which differs from the LIGGGHTS implementation) and indeed implements this functionality, see