Modelling Repeated Load Triaxial Test.

Submitted by rsharma on Fri, 03/05/2021 - 20:44

I have been trying to model repeated load triaxial test. It's a stress-controlled test. I was able to match the loading curve but during unloading force is suddenly dropping to lowest levels. I experimented with different kp values for top servo wall and defining several unloading target levels but I did not get desirable result.
I am attaching some of the pictures for reference. Please let me know if I can do something to achieve the proper result.

Image icon Actual Loading Regime23.39 KB
Image icon top_wall_stress.png37.87 KB
Plain text icon input.txt15.1 KB

Sherif | Tue, 04/20/2021 - 21:47

I'm new in liggghts and I want to start making a triaxial test. I really appreciate if you can send me this project to start with (restart, stl files, etc).
Thanks in advance
