Errors while compiling cfdemSolverPisoScalar

Submitted by RobertG on Mon, 09/28/2015 - 14:32

I'm trying to start the packedBedTemp tutorial. But all I get is an error. Maybe some one can help me.
I'm peaty new with CFDEM so the many warnings are not saying me anything, but I believe the interesting part may be this one:

// run_parallel_cfdemSolverPisoScalar_packedBedTemp_CFDDEM //


mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not find an executable:

Executable: cfdemSolverPisoScalar
Node: xxxx-xxxxxxxx

while attempting to start process rank 0.
2 total processes failed to start

Regardlessly, I attached the whole display output in the log.txt file.

The installation of OpenFoam 2.3.0 and Liggghts should be okey.
Checking the compilation log of CFDEM, shows that the cfdemSolverPiso and cfdemSolverPisoScalar are not compiled correctly.
The manual of CFDEM shows that liggghts 3.1, of 2.3 and cfdem 2.9 should work fine. But it does not for me.

On may Laptop it woks with liggghts 3.3, of 2.4 and cfdem 2.9, but also it does not work on my desktop.

I hope someone can help me.

Best regards

j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Wed, 09/30/2015 - 11:38

Hi RobertG,

in the cfdem compilation log, it complains about missing ompi files.
So something seems odd about the ompi installation.
Could you please check, if the library libmpi_cxx exists?
If you compiled it manually, please check if the configuration was done with --enable-mpi-cxx.

Please keep me updated.


RobertG | Wed, 09/30/2015 - 12:51

What do you mean by libmpi_cxx?
There is no libmpi_cxx package at apt-get, but I found a file at /usr/bin/.
I'm using the cfdemCompCFDEM command to start the compilation.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Wed, 09/30/2015 - 14:53

Hi RobertG,

I took another look at the problem, and to my surprise it doesn't seem mpi-related.
I mistook missing headerfiles, demanded by the mpi header files, for the error.
The error is due to moved files within OpenFOAM. This depends on the commit you pulled. The last compatible commit is in src/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/cfdTools/versionInfo.H

However, I tested the following settings to the "options" file within
(added the meshTools lines)

include $(CFDEM_ADD_LIBS_DIR)/additionalLibs

-I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/incompressible/turbulenceModel \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels/incompressible/singlePhaseTransportModel \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
-I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude \
-I$(CFDEM_SRC_DIR)/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/lnInclude \
-I$(CFDEM_SRC_DIR)/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/cfdTools \

-lincompressibleRASModels \
-lincompressibleLESModels \
-lincompressibleTransportModels \
-lfiniteVolume \
-lmeshTools \


RobertG | Wed, 09/30/2015 - 18:46

Thank you for your help.
I figured it out now myself. I used always OpenFoam-2.3.x but one is OpenFoam-2.3.0 and the other OpenFoam-2.3.1.
OF-2.3.0 woks. The other does not ...

Best regards