Deformable particles in LIGGGHTS

Submitted by dwhite on Mon, 04/16/2018 - 18:10


I am looking for advice on how to implement deformable particle behavior in LIGGGHTS.

I have already read the forum posts here:

Both seem to indicate that plastic particle simulation is not possible with LIGGGHTS R-public, but the posts are over 2 years old. Is anyone currently working on this? One of the posts mentions a code snippet which implements the Walton Braun model but I didn't see any followup on this.


richti83's picture

richti83 | Tue, 04/17/2018 - 08:22

Fortunately in the last release (3.8.0) two new hysteresis models has been released:

(**) Rahul Mohanty (P&G and University of Edinburgh) and Tomaz Zorec (University of Ljubljana) added an implementation of the Edinburgh contact model - currently there is no doc yet, this will hopefully be in the next release.
(**) Rahul Mohanty (P&G and University of Edinburgh) also added an implementation of the Luding contact model - currently there is no doc yet, this will hopefully be in the next release.

I suggest to have a look in [1] about the mechanism behind EEPA (Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion) and linear luding model.


[1] Morrissey, J.: Discrete Element Modelling of Iron Ore Pellets to Include the Effects of Moisture and Fines. Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh. 2013. URL: link

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dwhite | Wed, 04/18/2018 - 00:17

Hi Christian,

Thanks for the quick response! After looking at the reference you sent, I think these will work for my application. I will post back in this thread if I have additional questions.
