I am having trouble getting my animation to save correctly. I have made animations in Paraview before, but this is the first time that I get this problem.
When I go to File-Save Animation, I select the frame rate etc. The sequence of .jpg's starts, but after 70 or so files are created, the files no longer show the model, just a blank paraview screenport without any results.
The problem only seems to occur when I render the particles as spherical glyphs. When I save the animation just with the points (not very esthetically pleasing) all the .jpg's get created correctly.
Has anyone run into this problem before, can someone help me get this working.
I have attached a sample jpg just before and just after the problem.
Thank you
Attachment | Size |
m13.0068.jpg | 87.54 KB |
m13.0069.jpg | 19.25 KB |
Somnath | Tue, 10/16/2012 - 20:04
Yeah, I had the same problem
Yeah, I had the same problem recently. I figured that my RAM and/or Swap memory was getting full as the animation progressed and Paraview stopped saving the .jpg's with the glyph once the total memory was full. I increased my swap to deal with it.
RocheDEM | Wed, 10/17/2012 - 03:51
Hi Som, Thanks for the reply,
Hi Som,
Thanks for the reply, could you explain how I would increase the swap memory?
RocheDEM | Thu, 10/18/2012 - 13:47
Thanks all for the help. I
Thanks all for the help. I ended up going with the pointsprite, it seems to be the best way to go.
msbentley | Thu, 10/18/2012 - 11:47
Also check if you're using parallel projection
There was, if I remember correctly, also a ParaView bug that caused a memory leak during saving of animations - but it could be worked around by toggling parallel projection - I forget whether on or off, but it's worth toggling and trying again!
Cheers. Mark
DanielDroop | Wed, 10/17/2012 - 20:58
point sprite plugin for paraview
Hi Kirk,
search this site for how to activate the point sprite plugin for paraview. It's mentioned in the howto_paraview.pdf in the download section. Using the point sprite representation is much faster (and memory efficient?) than using glyphs.
Good luck,