copy & paste mistake in gran_cohesion_washino_capillary_viscous

richti83's picture
Submitted by richti83 on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 17:20

typo in

fix id all property/global contactAngle peratomtype value_1 value_2 ...
(value_i=value for contact angle of atom type i and fluid)
fix id all property/global maxLiquidContent peratomtype value_1 value_2 ...
(value_i=value for contact angle of atom type i and fluid)

I guess the maxLiquidContent is not an angle but a percent value to limit the maximum per particle liquid content :-).

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 06/14/2016 - 23:02

Hi Christian,

thanks a lot! I'll fix this for the next release


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 08/30/2016 - 18:22

Hi Christian,

will be fixed with the upcoming release!