Compilation error

Submitted by jenslaube on Mon, 11/03/2014 - 17:05

Hi I cloned the latest version of the LIGGGHTS development version from git:// today (3rd of November 2014) and have problems compiling it. The error message is the following:

myvector.h(37): warning #1011: missing return statement at end of non-void function "LAMMPS_NS::vectorConstruct3D"

myvector.h(44): warning #1011: missing return statement at end of non-void function "LAMMPS_NS::vectorConstruct3D(int *, int, int, int)"

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(218): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(252): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(287): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(321): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(356): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(387): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(419): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp(451): error: identifier "sleep" is undefined
while (stat(file,&st)) sleep(0.03);

compilation aborted for cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp (code 2)

Is this a problem of my compilation attempt or is there a bug in the myvector.h and cfd_datacoupling_file.cpp files

Thanks for your help

aaigner's picture

aaigner | Tue, 11/04/2014 - 14:24

Hello Jens,

I don't know where you found a link to that repository, but it is really outdated! This version is 1.5.3, whereas the current LIGGGHTS version is 3.0.5.
Please follow the instructions in githubAccess_public_LIGGGHTS_2.pdf.

I am sorry that this old repository is still active...

Best regards