We are a very small french research team. And we plane to study the processus of additive manufacturing. The first step is to model the flow of particles on the system. We encounter a few difficulties to understand the behaviour of the software, the underlying physics and we would like to found a easy step by step tutorial and caracteristics examples.
Could you give us some advices to find such sort of documentations and code examples?
Thanks so much,
Sébastien Nadler
R&D projects Leader, Astek society, France
pain08 | Tue, 06/14/2022 - 15:46
bonsoir messieurs , you will
bonsoir messieurs , you will find tutorial when you install the liggghts software i recommend to star looking into the fixes commands, variables and regions look into the documentation you will find everything you need for example theses commands:
bonne continuation et salutation.