write_dump mesh/vtk

Submitted by estefan31 on Fri, 01/21/2022 - 05:48

I'm writing the command: write_dump all mesh/vtk meshfile*.vtk stress vel stresscomponents area

This command worked in previous versions when it was mesh/gran/VTK and I've corrected it to mesh/vtk, but I'm still getting errors with this command that are indicating the keywords are wrong. What is the correct way to do this in version 3.8?

estefan31 | Fri, 01/28/2022 - 00:10

Thank you mschramm. I tried that and got the same error. BUT I noticed the errors only occur on a HPC cluster. The commands work fine either way when I run them on my laptop. So I'm suspicious this has something to do with VTK. On my laptop I compiled liggghts with the "make auto" command. But on the cluster, I brought back the deprecated command "make fedora_fpic" since "make auto" was giving me errors.

So at this point, my new question is just if anybody has any insight on compiling liggghts with vtk on an HPC cluster? I'll also be reaching out to the consultants with our cluster.

estefan31 | Tue, 02/01/2022 - 00:57

Thank you mschramm for your help. My cluster wanted me to load another mpi module. Then in Makefile.user I had to include "AUTOINSTALL_VTK=ON" and then afterwards type the command "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/lib/vtk/build/lib/".