liggghtsCommands time-dependent run

Submitted by Brian on Sat, 12/26/2020 - 23:37

Dear all,

I'd like to set a fixed temperature condition at the inlet and outlet. I found "run XX every XX " " " should be used to keep the temperature constant during the simulation. However, the CFDEM coupling liggghtsCommands can not recognize the quotation mark.

#run to see heat transfer
run 100000 every 1 "set region top_outlet property/atom Temp 200." "set region bottom_inlet property/atom Temp 300."

I added 'else if (add=="quotation") add = "\"";' in the source code LiggghtsCommandModel.C and readLiggghtsData.C. see the attached liggghtscommandmodel-code.png

And my liggghtsCommands file is shown in attached figure liggghtscommand.png

After compilation, I ran my project but got the error "fileName::stripInvalid() called for invalid fileName fileName::stripInvalid() called for invalid fileName" referring to the attached figure.

I feel that the file liggghtscommand is parsed by openfoam rather than liggghts so that quotation cannot be involved in the file.

I was stucked here for more than one week, could anyone give me advice?
