Any literaturs/papers on the modified VOF alpha Equation in CFDEM?

Submitted by keepfit on Thu, 04/17/2014 - 20:31

Dear CFDEM/LIGGGHTS developers,

I read the dipl. thesis of JUK on the VOF method in CFDEM. I have a question about the modified VOF method, espeically the source term at the RHS.


\frac{\partial \alpha_1}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\alpha_1 \alpha_f u_f) - \nabla \cdot (\alpha_1 (1-\alpha_1) u_{ra}) = - \alpha_1 \frac{\partial \alpha_1}{\partial t}


Is there any literature or paper on this equation, i.e how to derive it?



Jing Lu | Wed, 06/11/2014 - 20:44

Hi David,

I believe that the advection part of the equation (for alpha1) should be consistent with the continuity equation (for density).
But I'm not sure how to really solve the equation (is the first term correct?). Any clue please?


gelinhan | Thu, 05/10/2018 - 00:59

Hi all,

It would be grateful someone can advise me where I can find the thesis mentioned by David.

Thank you in advance.
