Collision of two particles with capillary viscous cohesion model + liquid source

giuraso's picture
Submitted by giuraso on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 15:19

Hi all,

here a test case for cohesive capillary viscous model .
In the script you find "easo" model, just change "easo" with "washino" to switch to Washino's model.

I set a liquid source on one atom and run for 1 timestep, so I have an initial superficial liquid on one particle. This allows to check the liquid migration after the impact.

The collision happens at timestep 1000000.

Check files dump985000.collision and dump1200000.collison, to see velocities before and after the collision. Moreover, look at the liquid on particle two, after the collision you will find some liquid on this particle, before the collision the superficial liquid was 0.

In another post I suggested I had some problem because the final velocity was higher than the initial velocity. This problem is not here anymore... probably I made a mistake in setting the model parameters.

By the way, the final velocity for easo cohesive model seems too low.

And... if someone have some suggestion on how to dump local information (forces), see line 77-78 of the script, please share :)
I remember Christoph Kloss suggested something about a history value... may be an hint for someone (not for me so far)


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Thu, 12/10/2015 - 23:33

Hi Guiseppe,

thanks for sharing this! I put this under "contributed"

best wishes

chqiao | Mon, 07/11/2016 - 04:38

The attached file can't be download? When I click on the file for downloading, it turn to a "404 Not Found".

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 07/25/2016 - 23:42

Hi all,

we moved our hoster once since the original post and there were a couple updates/patches to the Website core. It's the first issue of this kind we've been seeing, but it might be that these files got "lost in translation". Sorry for that!


Jeff_DONG | Tue, 01/22/2019 - 07:10

Hi Christoph,

May I ask that what is the relation between "liquidsource 100" and "liquid content 5e-6"? or say how does the "liquidsource" work?

Many thanks.


Jeff_DONG | Tue, 01/22/2019 - 07:16

Hi Giuseppe,

Sorry for the mistaken comment.

May I ask that what is the relation between "liquidsource 100" and "liquid content 5e-6"? or say how does the "liquidsource" work?

Many thanks.


UC_mha | Tue, 08/27/2019 - 02:12

Hi Giuseppe,

I have a similar set up with wetted particles and am trying to dump the surface liquid content using f_surfaceLiquidContent[0] but keep getting an error message. Any help regards how you implemented this command would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Akanksha Rajput | Mon, 08/21/2023 - 14:29

As the file is not accessible, I still cant figure out how can i give a particle some moisture content at the starting of the simulation.
Also how to give the liquid film thickness to the particle?