.stl geometry

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 01/28/2014 - 12:24

Hi Colleagues,
I have problems with the .stl geometry rencently. I used SolidWorks to create
3D geometric models and then save them in .stl format as the mesh walls. However,
when I viewed the geometry with Paraview, they looked like solid. I noitced in the tutorial examples, all the geomery are surface mesh (please see the attached figures). the example.png is from the tutorial example, and the myexample.png shows my own example.

I failed to save plane/surface in the solidwork as .stl.

Does anyone know how to make surface mesh (not solid one) for the Liggghts. Thanks in advance for your expertise.

Best regards,

Image icon from the tutorial example33.74 KB
Image icon from my own work16.58 KB

nasato | Thu, 02/06/2014 - 15:03

Hi Zyan,

I use the mesh module from Salome (http://www.salome-platform.org/) to generate my stl meshes. You have a good control of mesh size and usually generate stl in 3D solid models works fine. I use the 2D > algorithim Triangle (Mefisto) > hypothesis 2D: Automatic Triangulation. Then just adjust Max Length to refine your mesh as you prefer.