prombles about lmp_fedora

kunzhang's picture
Submitted by kunzhang on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 21:08

Hi everyone,
I am trying to install LIGGGHTS on Ubuntu 10.04. I notice that there is a folder named lmp_fedora which is important, however, I could find it in LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src. In LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src, there is just a file named lmp_fedora, and a folder named Obj_fedora.

I want to ask whether the folder of lmp_fedora is created by the step of make fedora? And if not, how should I do to create this folder?

And when type which mpirun, the terminal shows "/home/kun/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-2.1.x/platforms/linux64Gcc/openmpi-1.5.3/bin/mpirun " rather than "/usr/bin", how should I fix up this problems?

For the simulation, I type liggghts > in.newModels, the terminal shows " bash: /home/LIGGGHTS/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/lmp_fedora: No such file or directory ".

Please tell me how to solve this problems. Looking forward to your kind reply and thanks for your help.

richti83's picture

richti83 | Sun, 08/05/2012 - 10:04


lmp_fedora is your executable ! Just copy or symlink this file to your /usr/bin directory or create an Alias in your %HOME/.bashrc and you can run lmp_fedora from the commandline in every folder of your system.


I'm not an associate of DCS GmbH and not a core developer of LIGGGHTS®
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kunzhang's picture

kunzhang | Wed, 08/08/2012 - 20:40

Thanks for your kind reply.

According to the instruction of installation of LIGGGHTS, I should type "sudo ln -s /path1/src/lmp_fedora /usr/bin/liggghts' in my terminal. And I must make sure that /usr/bin is in the $PATH.

The question is what is the meaning of "make sure that /usr/bin is in the $PATH", and how should I do to make sure?

Thanks for your help.



RocheDEM | Wed, 08/08/2012 - 21:38


I believe that you are effectively deleting your input file by typing;

liggghts > in.newModels

To run your simulation you should type;

liggghts < in.newModels

Give that a try


Kirk A. Fraser, ing. P.Eng.
Ingénieur en Conception
Design Engineer

Tél. : 418.549.6472 Poste : 263
Cell. : 418.540.1454

kunzhang's picture

kunzhang | Wed, 08/08/2012 - 22:42

For now, I think there are some problems for installing the LIGGGHTS. After type "sudo ln -s /path1/src/lmp_fedora /usr/bin/liggghts' in my terminal, I type which liggghts, and /usr/bin/liggghts doesn't show up.

I type echo $PATH, and in my terminal, it indeed shows usr/bin.

However, for other software, e.g. paraview, I type which paraview, it shows usr/bin/paraview. So I am stuck in this step.

Could you please give me some suggestion for this problem. Thanks a lot.



kunzhang's picture

kunzhang | Wed, 08/08/2012 - 23:24

I change the ln -s to ln -f, and make the link to liggghts compulsorily. Could this method be Okay?

Thanks for your answers.

