Changing neighbor distance and number of triangles - increases the simulation time?

Submitted by Phil93 on Sat, 12/11/2021 - 12:16

I am trying to speed up an existing simulation and have reduced the number of triangles in the STL - from about 3000 to 250 -. This saved me about 50% of the total time. Then, using the original STL, I reduced the neighbor command to 0.002, since in the previous simulation it was 0.004 and the number of average neighbors was very high. This also gave me a reduction in total time of about 50%. After these findings I thought that a combination of the reduced STL and the smaller neighbor distance should reduce the time even more. However, it turned out to be just the opposite. The time increased. Does anyone know what this could be? Shouldn't the reduction of the triangles make the simulation faster because there are less points/vectors? Especially when mixing later where I move the STL I would have expected this. Or do I understand something wrong?

To understand, the Y-axis in my graphs is the time per step and the X-axis is the number of output points on the screen from the Liggghts log file. The first five points are the filling of the particles and the remaining 400 points are the mixing.

Image icon vergleich-liggghts.png376.81 KB

jumlouh | Tue, 02/20/2024 - 05:24

(i) Run the script in your LIGGGHTS(R) source folder to automatically parse the input backrooms game script
(ii) Add the model combination by hand to your style_contact_model_user.whitelist that can be found in your LIGGGHTS(R) source folder
If you perform one of the steps above LIGGGHTS(R) needs to be recompiled to generate the optimized code.

tomhanks | Mon, 05/06/2024 - 05:54

While reducing the number of triangles in the STL file decreases the complexity of the mesh, decreasing the neighbor distance increases the number of neighbors each particle interacts with. It's possible that the reduction in mesh complexity initially outweighed the increase in neighbor interactions, slope leading to faster simulation times. However, when combining both changes, the increased neighbor interactions may have become dominant, resulting in longer simulation times overall.