Workstation setup Linux, LIGGGHTS, Paraview

Submitted by jsams on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 06:37

Hello everyone,

I am about to set up my workstation and thought I might ask for recommendations regarding the Linux operating system + LIGGGHTS and Paraview installation versions that I should consider.

Which Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, ..), version of LIGGGHTS and Paraview (v5.0 or v4.0) can you suggest in order to ensure smooth simulations? I am not a Linux expert but I can get some assistance. Also, I would like to be able to run the available plug-ins for Paraview.

I am thankful for any recommendations. Regards,

Matteo | Wed, 06/15/2016 - 16:16

Hi Joel,

I cannot give any recommendation about the Linux operating system, I am using the RedHat version and I haven't had any problem so far.

I installed the latest version of LIGGGHTS (3.3.1), I think now a newer one is available and Paraview 5.0.1.
To import the results in ParaView you need to convert the files generated by LIGGGHTS to the vtk format. I use lpp for this. You could have problems visualizing the vtk files due to the different float format ParaView and Numpy use. I tried several solution but only the one that you can find at the following link worked

Hope this can help.


richti83's picture

richti83 | Wed, 06/15/2016 - 19:43

I would recommend fedora (>=20) with MATE Desktop sudo yum groupinstall "MATE Desktop" because I like the clean, scientific look :-).
Liggghts 3.4.1 is the latest & greatest at the moment and should be used in any cases (no support for older versions !)
When you want to use the ParaView Plugins you should use Version 5.0.0 bc. many bugs from 4.x are fixed and I didn't have had the time to compile the readers for PV 5.1.0, see:
than you don't need to wait for lpp to convert the dumpfile.
Or you compile liggghts with vtk support (make ubuntuVTK or make ubuntuVTK6, don't worry about ubuntu or fedora, when there is a proper gcc,g++ and openmpi installation the make process will work on any linux distribution, yum groupinstall development tools is your friend.

There is an update-macro for post folder too in my github:

For easy reading of LIGGGHTS input scripts don't miss the syntax highlighting for gedit:

I'm not an associate of DCS GmbH and not a core developer of LIGGGHTS®
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