which method to use for the interaction Fluid/DEM

JF's picture
Submitted by JF on Thu, 10/10/2013 - 15:57

Hi all,

I have a general question for the LIGGGHTS user who are experts on DEM and also on CFD or SPH or Lattice Boltzmann.

I want to model the behaviour of a liquid (water or oil) between 2 surfaces constituted by DEM particles (i.e., spheres). So as to obtain the pressure and the friction induced by the liquid properties within the contact on the DEM surfaces.

I don't know which fluid method I can use with DEM part of LIGGGHTS to perform this simulation because I don't know SPH and CFD very well.

Someone can give me some advices, information or references to do this type of simulation with LIGGGHTS ?

Best regards

JF's picture

JF | Tue, 10/15/2013 - 15:52


I post the reply that I have obtained from the LIGGGHTS developers:

Coupling SPH/DEM: At the moment a hybrid simulation of SPH and the granular styles is not
possible. In order to enable a SPH/DEM simulation a new pair style is
required that pictures the fluid-particle interaction (drag law, ...).

I am always waiting for the reply about the coupling LBM/DEM, but I think this coupling is always at a early stage.

Actually, the CFDEM coupling is the one solution in LIGGGHTS to model the interaction between a fluid and the DEM particles.


ckloss_ | Mon, 01/13/2014 - 14:50

Hi Saprativ Basu,

it doesnt work out-of-the-box. But if you use CFDEMcoupling and remove solution of the Navier-Stokes equations from the solver after a couple time-steps, then that's basically it.

Best wishes