What's the model of cohesion force?

Submitted by jerry_1988 on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 18:31


I'm doing some work relevant to the cohesion force. I'm confused with the cohesion model in LIGGGHTS. Could someone tell me what model and equations are used in the cohesion force in LIGGGHTS and what source files are implementing this model?



ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 04/08/2011 - 13:21

Hi Jerry,

it's a JKR like model - see doc for pair_gran
and see pair_gran_hooke_history.cpp for implementation


willroc7 | Wed, 12/14/2011 - 19:32

Has anyone been able to answer Jerry's question? I am also interested in what source files are in use here.

edit: whoops, just saw your answer Chris. Thanks!