Wet Granular Simmulation

Submitted by Halimeh on Sun, 04/12/2015 - 13:22

Hello everyone

I am pretty new to LIGGGHTS and DEM simulations. I am trying to model a wet granular system. I want to know if LIGGGHTS has the equation of interparticle force of the capillary bridge for simulating wet granular systems?



richti83's picture

richti83 | Sun, 04/12/2015 - 21:15

in the official public version only a simplified cohesion model is implemented (sjkr/sjkr2) but there is a fork in github by Anton Gladky which implements the viscel models by Willett, Herminghaus, Weigert and Rabinov:

see https://github.com/gladk/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/tree/v.3.1.0_Capillar

Have a look in https://github.com/gladk/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/blob/v.3.1.0_Capillar/src/norma... about some literatur references and how the model is used / implemented.
I did not used it yet, but want to learn how it works.


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