WARNING: LD_LIBRARY_PATH undefined, cannot check libdir /home/em328/.local/lib

Submitted by Em328_Tsai on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 10:48

Dear developers and users,

I'm failing to install correctly LIGGGHTS, here's the problem i met

em328@em328-VirtualBox:~/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/python$ python install.py ~/.local/lib ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
WARNING: LD_LIBRARY_PATH undefined, cannot check libdir /home/em328/.local/lib
cp ../src/libliggghts.so /home/em328/.local/lib
cp ../python/liggghts.py /home/em328/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

My question is how to fix the warning " LD_LIBRARY_PATH undefined, cannot check libdir /home/em328/.local/lib " , or I can just ignore it,
if I ignore the warning, what will happen ?


deepakpawar.2310 | Thu, 05/23/2019 - 12:20

Hi Eric

I am facing the problem regarding the (WARNING: LD_LIBRARY_PATH undefined, cannot check libdir /home/em328/.local/lib) while compiling the LIGGGHTS as a shared library.

have you got the solution, please share your experience