vtm, pvd format- Paraview

Submitted by deepakpawar.2310 on Fri, 08/21/2020 - 10:05

Is it possible to dump the LIGGGHTS output files into the vtm, pvd format?
I think pvd used for the summarizing the time step information and vtm used for dumping the data into some particular post folder

Thank you

Zorica Ristic | Tue, 08/25/2020 - 11:44

Hi deepakpawar.2310,

Yes, LIGGGHTS can output VTM files (see 'dump_custom_vtm.cpp', 'dump_mesh_vtm.cpp', etc, found in LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src folder downloaded when installing LIGGGHTS PUBLIC).
As for the PVD files, they are not supported by the LIGGGHTS PUBLIC, but in ASPHERIX it is. If you fancy working with this paticular file format, a simple writer of such files (once you've had LIGGGHTS PUBLIC output any XML-based VTK files) should do the trick.

All the best,