vtkParallelMPI included with USE_MPI=off

Submitted by oger on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 10:47

i am trying to compile Liggghts-public without mpi to define correctly the Makefile.user steps by steps, so I have launch "make auto -e USE_MPI=off -e DEBUG_INFO=yes"
and I got an error where vtkParallelMPI appears! see :
Makefile:1032: *** 'Could not compile VTK example with VTK_INC="-I/usr/include/vtk-8.1", VTK_LIB="" and VTK_ADDLIBS=" -lvtkCommonCore -lvtkIOCore -lvtkIOXML -lvtkIOLegacy -lvtkIOImage -lvtkCommonDataModel -lvtkIOParallelXML -lvtkParallelCore -lvtkParallelMPI -lvtkCommonExecutionModel -lvtkFiltersCore -lvtksys -lvtkCommonMisc -lvtkCommonTransforms -lvtkCommonMath -lvtkIOXMLParser -lvtkCommonSystem -lvtkDICOMParser -lvtkmetaio"'. Arrêt.
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/oger/LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC/src/Obj_auto »
make: *** [Makefile:114: auto] Error 2

how I can correct this problem?

PS I am using opensuse leap 5.1 with vtk : /usr/include/vtk-8.1/ and /usr/lib64/libvtksys.so -> libvtksys.so.1