
Submitted by hossain.aziz on Mon, 05/10/2021 - 18:45


Is it possible to access the voidfraction value in the cohesion_model_easo_capillary_viscous.h flie of LIGGGHTS from CFDEM? If yes, can anyone please tell me how to do that.

Thank you.

with regards,

Daniel Queteschiner | Fri, 05/28/2021 - 09:54

The voidfraction is actually not communicated from CFDEMcoupling to LIGGGHTS, thus cannot be accessed from the cohesion model in LIGGGHTS. Of course it is possible to modify the code to suit your needs. Look for example at cfdemCloud::giveDEMdata() method in the CFDEMcoupling code and the FixCfdCouplingForce class in LIGGGHTS for the concept of data exchange.

carl | Wed, 02/02/2022 - 18:22


I am asking here since it is related to accessing the voidfraction.
I am modifying the Smagorinsky turbulence model to create a subgrid viscosity depending on the voidfraction, my question is how do I access cfdemCloud, what do I have to add in my Make/options folder in creating a new library?

Carl Henrik Dahmén