View section of geometry in post processing

Submitted by satyajeetbhonsale on Thu, 12/13/2018 - 12:44

Hi all,

I am simulating a 3D geometry, but in the end I would like to visualize results in only a section on the geometry.
e.g. I have a cylinder with particles in in, I want to visualize a plane in the centre of the cylinder. Is there is a way this can be done in LIGGGHTS + paraview?

Thanks a lot.


satyajeetbhonsale | Thu, 12/13/2018 - 14:38

Hi Richti,

Thanks a lot for the response.
But the filter -> clip is greyed out. I am using vtk files to dump. Should I use something different to create the output?
Thanks again.

arnom's picture

arnom | Mon, 12/17/2018 - 10:22

Are you sure you have your file selected in the pipeline view? Clip should work on all VTK files produced by LIGGGHTS.

DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer