using rotate und linear motion for one mesh

Submitted by renekaiser on Tue, 05/31/2011 - 10:55

Hello liggghts-team,

I want to simulate a role(cylinder) that moves linear along the systems X-Axis and it should rotate around its roll-axis.
Is there a way to do this?

1) I tried using 2 fix commands, but as expected only the late fix-command wins.
2) Rotate the role and moving the assembling linear around the role, is not a good alternative, producing wrong results.

Is it possible to script something like this:
even step = linear move
odd step = rotate role

Can I achieve the motion of the cylinder with gran/mesh/move style=variable ?

Any help is welcome.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Tue, 05/31/2011 - 11:59

Hi Rene,

superposing 2 move/mesh/gran commands is currently not possible. You have three options:

+ extend fix move/mesh/gran to do what you want
+ use the variable-style for fix move mesh/gran (which is currently not well documented I think)
+ contact evansmuts via boardmail, he has written an extension to fix mesh gran similar to the conveyor option, but for roations, maybe he is willing to share that. You would then only need one fix move/mesh/gran for the x-axis
