Torque calculation on all meshes in stl

Submitted by UTK on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:21

Hi everyone,

I am trying to compute the torque on all the meshes of a given stl. In LIGGGHTS, I got the following module:
mesh module stress

I used it in script in the following way:
fix st all mesh/surface/stress file Frustum-1.stl type 1 wear

But I am unable to get the required output. I tried outputting it using thermo_style custom. But what I obtain is a series of just 9 zeros coming in rows. The values cannot be 0 actually. Moreover, it does not give the meshwise values.

Please let me know how do I get the meshwise torques on a given stl at specified time intervals ( in any file format).

Warm Regards,

richti83's picture

richti83 | Fri, 05/29/2020 - 13:12

Here is my example using fix mesh/surface/stress and fix print:

fix messflaeche all mesh/surface/stress file STL/messflaeche.stl type 2 scale 0.001 stress on #store stress for every mesh-triangle
#get total force and torque of mesh "messflaeche"
variable time equal step*dt
variable fx equal f_messflaeche[1]
variable fy equal f_messflaeche[2]
variable fz equal f_messflaeche[3]
variable Mx equal f_messflaeche[4]
variable My equal f_messflaeche[5]
variable Mz equal f_messflaeche[6]
fix forceslog all print 100 "${time},${fx},${fy},${fz},${Mx},${My},${Mz}" file post/forces.csv title "t,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz" screen no


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