Temperature-Dependent Variables

40044600's picture
Submitted by 40044600 on Sat, 12/14/2019 - 19:58


I am seeking to set up my simulations to allow for particles to have a certain cohesion factor dependant on their temperature.
I have seen from a previous post in 2011 that this is not a trivial thing to achieve but may be possible with some build around python coding.

I'm hoping someone could guide on a structure of things that need to be achieved in order to allow for temperature-dependent variable to be achieved.


40044600's picture

40044600 | Thu, 12/19/2019 - 14:23

Thanks for your response.

From my understanding I think this is certainly possible when you want to change the cohesion value for ALL particles based on maybe an average temperature between the particles.

But what I'm am trying to do is model different cohesion values for different particles based on their independent temperatures. I can't seem to find a methodology here of how that could be done.