surface normal to wall at point of contact

Submitted by clarence91 on Tue, 06/02/2015 - 22:08

Hi everyone,

dump dumpstress all mesh/gran/VTK 50 post/dump*.vtk id surfaceNorm stress wear cad

Gives me the mesh id and surfacenormal of all the mesh elements.
I wish to know the surfaceNorm of particular mesh id only at the point of contact (wall-particle) and not all of them.
Is there a way to call surfaceNorm in the source code? How can I modify the code?

Please help.
Thank you.

clarence91 | Wed, 06/10/2015 - 22:54

I would like to call " triMesh()->surfaceNorm(iTri,surfNorm) " into fix_wall_gran.cpp.
I don't understand how can I use "triMesh()->" in fix_wall_gran.cpp
I tried to add fix_mesh_surface.h to wall_gran but still I get an error : ‘triMesh’ was not declared in this scope

Please help.
Thank you.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Mon, 06/15/2015 - 14:08


>>I wish to know the surfaceNorm of particular mesh id only at the point of contact (wall-particle)
have a look at compute wall/gran/local!

Best wishes