superquadratic dump error

Submitted by nabdoulm on Mon, 01/13/2020 - 16:59

I am attempting to modify the auger tutorial script to use superquadratic particles and I am running into the following error: Invalid attribute in dump custom command (../dump_custom.cpp:146). I believe the error is related to the dump syntax. Any help and suggestion is greatly appreciated. I have attached the input file and the relevant geometry folder.

Plain text icon in.sqa_.txt3.98 KB
Binary Data geometries.tar_.gz1.23 MB

mschramm | Wed, 01/15/2020 - 18:18

blockiness is not a valid identifier.
I believe the keyword you are wanting is blockiness1 and blockiness2

dump dmpsq all custom 2000 post/rigid*.dump id type x y z quat1 quat2 quat3 quat4 vx vy vz fx fy fz blockiness
dump dmpsq all custom 2000 post/rigid*.dump id type x y z quat1 quat2 quat3 quat4 vx vy vz fx fy fz blockiness1 blockiness2

I let the code get to the run section of the program. Once I saw that it took over 3Gb memory, I killed the program...