Static vs. Sliding vs. Rolling Friction in Liggghts

Submitted by berlinphoenix on Tue, 09/21/2021 - 14:15

Hi all,

i have a question regarding the friction models that can be used in Liggghts.
coefficientFriction - this is the static or internal friction
coefficientRollingFriction - rolling friction as in the name

Where can we define a sliding friction coefficient? Is there an implemenation of sliding friction in Liggghts? I have found 1 post where coefficientFriction is regarded as the sliding friction Coefficient, which should be wrong?!

I am reading a paper by Al-Hashemi et. al. on Angle of Repose. In this they say sliding friction Coefficents are usually higher than rolling friction Coefficients, which suggest there should be a Model in DEM to take sliding into account.
