[SOLVED] ERROR: Domain too large for neighbor bins

Submitted by zamir on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:31

Does anyone know what this error means?

"ERROR: Domain too large for neighbor bins"

zamir | Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:55

A peek into neighbor.cpp says that my bounding box (global domain) may be too large. I guess an atom must have gotten away...

I created some additional confining walls. I will update this post if it solves the problem.

aaigner's picture

aaigner | Thu, 10/18/2012 - 13:23

This error occurs if your number of bins in one direction exceeds a certain limit. (maximum integer or something like that)

The code in neighbor.cpp says:

// test for too many global bins in any dimension due to huge global domain

if (bbox[0]*binsizeinv > MAXSMALLINT || bbox[1]*binsizeinv > MAXSMALLINT ||
bbox[2]*binsizeinv > MAXSMALLINT)
error->all(FLERR,"Domain too large for neighbor bins");

Maybe, your domain is too big, your particles are too small or use a bigger skin in your neighbor command (unfortunately, this will slow down the neighbor build).


EDIT: Which boundary conditions do you use? m, f or p?