Single input file for multiple partitions of liggghts

Submitted by mschramm on Fri, 11/16/2018 - 16:24

I have a small cluster of computers that I would like to run DOEs on.
On my machine I call liggghts with the partition flag

mpirun -n 10 liggghts -in DOE.liggghts -partition 10x1

but when trying on the small cluster

mpirun -n 20 -hostfile my_hosts.txt liggghts -in DOE.liggghts 20x1

I get an error indicating that liggghts can not read my input file
(ERROR on proc 4: Cannot open input script DOE.liggghts (../lammps.cpp:442))

Am I missing another command that tells liggghts to use the same input script?
Or do I need to have my input on all of the computers?
If so, where would I put this script?

Thank you for all the help.