Simulation time doubles using restart file

shivagoud's picture
Submitted by shivagoud on Fri, 04/13/2018 - 13:28

Hi all,

I have a simulation to run for 1 minute of real time in H.P.C. A simulation runs for only 2 days in H.P.C.
In two days 58.9 seconds of simulation completed and cpu time left for remaining seconds was around 36000 seconds (10hrs). Expecting the simulation to be completed in 10 more hours I restarted simulation from 58.9 and I see cpu time left getting doubled.
Is there any mistake in my restart file (inhopperhpc2) attached below.
I am using LIGGGHTS 3.7.0.

JoG | Mon, 04/16/2018 - 11:38

Can you attach the files as plain text files? Due to security reasons I cannot open them, but I would like to help you.

shivagoud's picture

shivagoud | Tue, 05/22/2018 - 08:55

Error was with my PBS file. #PBS -l pmem=1gb this line was missing in my earlier files. Thanks :)