Servo Wall problem

Noel682's picture
Submitted by Noel682 on Sun, 11/01/2015 - 13:37

Hi All,

I have a problem/question about the servo wall

I want to first define two sub-regions, in which I want to insert two different particle distributions (pdd1 and pdd2 in the file).
After the distribution is complete, I want to insert a "servo - wall", from the top of the simulation box to compress both packings (pdd1 and pdd2)

My problem is that the wall that I am inserting is inserted outside the simulation box. (e.g. the simulation box (sum of the two regions) is 0.5 height : but after the simulation I see that the wall is at circa height = 2000 !!)

** attached you can find the liggghts code (bam) and the two meshes

I followed the manual (see link) and I don't know what am I doing wrong?

Can anyone help ?

version: I use Liggghts 3.2.1



Binary Data servo_wall.tar_.gz2.23 KB