Seems a bug? Cannot delete fine particles with cetain IDs.

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 11/22/2018 - 03:35

Hi all,

I am facing a strange problem. In my simulation, I use:

"group fines id 1942 753 976 1048 3765 5788......" (up to 1000+ particle ids)
"delete_atoms group fines compress no"

By using this two commands, I meant to delete these designated 1000+ fine particles in my calculation region. The deleted ids are randomly selected from the fine particles' ids. However, when I run my code, I found only fine particles with id from 1 to 1000+ are deleted, while not the designated ids (as you can see from the attached picture). What's wrong with my code? Is there any bug in LIGGGHTS? I really need your help.

Best wishes,

Image icon img_4433.jpg2.98 MB

nasato | Thu, 11/22/2018 - 12:57


Are you first reading a restart file, then deleting the particles and running your simulation? If so, this could be the problem. When you restart a simulation, the IDs of the particles change, so you may end up deleting the wrong particles.


Rachel | Sat, 11/24/2018 - 15:38

Hi Nasato,

Thank you very much for pointing out this. I do run my simulation first and then delete the particles. The strange thing is, for example, I want to delete 5 particles with id=100, 200, 345, 456, 678. After using the delete_atom command, I only got particles with id=1,2,3,4,5 deleted. That's the strange point, I still dont't know how to solve this.

Another question if convenient, could you please help check this poster ( see whether you know the answer? Thanks ahead.


arnom's picture

arnom | Mon, 12/17/2018 - 10:35

Please ensure that your are using compress no in your delete_atoms command.

DCS team member & LIGGGHTS(R) core developer