Running pure CFD case and then couple with DEM?

Submitted by JeppeMathDTUStudent on Thu, 02/03/2022 - 11:30

I was wondering if it is possible to run a pure CFD case first, and afterwards couple the CFD case with a DEM case? Can one of the exchange models handle such a task?
I am looking forward hearing from you.


mschramm | Thu, 02/03/2022 - 23:49

Look into the mapFields program from openfoam.
This can take an existing solution (normally the result of a steady state solution) and map the result onto a different mesh and sets the initial fields values to start a new simulation.
Normally this is used to map a steady state solution on a coarse grid onto a finer mesh for a transient solution.

JeppeMathDTUStudent | Fri, 02/04/2022 - 11:08

Thanks a lot for the fast answer. However, I was just curious if it was possible to for example rewrite the data exchange files: "oneWayVTK", "twoWayFiles" or "twoWayMPI", such that it is only exchanging the necessary data from the already ran CFD case to the DEM case? Do you think it is possible to change the "twoWayFiles" to only read the necessary data from the CFD case to be able to run the DEM case in the already ran CFD case?
Thanks a lot in advance!
