[Running LIGGGHTS] Error: Too many levels of symbolic links

Submitted by PPhurit on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 03:03

Hello all,

I will go straight with the problem, thank you in advance.

I built LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC to my Ubuntu's application on Windows 10 as the documentation states.
After a successful [make auto], I tried to run with [chute_wear] like the documentation says.

This error
$ HYDU_create_process (utils/launch/launch.c : 74) : execvp error on file lmp_auto (Too many levels of symbolic links)
appears after I tried (I have only 1 processor)
$ mpirun -np 1 lmp_auto < in.chute_wear
in the [chute_wear] example directory.

I am sure this problem is not related to LIGGGHTS but rather utilizing Ubuntu.
I tried to find for any circular reference (with $ find -L ./ -mindepth 15), It responded nothing.

Thank you and sorry if this issue is not directly related.
Best regards,