Running chute benchmarks in LIGGGHTS_2p2p2

Submitted by mpage on Thu, 01/03/2013 - 19:22

Having problems here.

I have downloaded LIGGGHTS_2p2p2.tar

make package-status yields,in part: line 11: cd: GRANULAR: No such file or directory
Installed NO: package GRANULAR

and indeed there is no src/GRANULAR subdirectory

pressing onward

make openmpi was successful

but trying to run the chute benchmark results in:
[mpage@hpcdev1 bench]$ /usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 1 ./lmp_openmpi < in.chute
LIGGGHTS (Version LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC 2.2.1, compiled 2013-01-03-11:10:27 by mpage based on LAMMPS 20 Apr 2012)
Reading data file ...
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (40 20 37.2886)
1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
32000 atoms
32000 velocities
ERROR: Illegal pair_style gran command, illegal keyword (pair_gran_hooke_history.cpp:462)
mpirun noticed that the job aborted, but has no info as to the process
that caused that situation.

I had the same problem with LAMMPS but went back & installed the GRANULAR style, rebuilt the executable and the chute benchmarks all ran fine.

but since there is no GRANULAR subdirectory to use to build the granular style for LIGGGHTS I am stuck

I went back to an older tar file & downloaded. There was a GRANULAR subdirectory there but nothing in it but a stub file.

How can one get the chute benchmarks to run?

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Fri, 01/04/2013 - 16:39

Hi Mike,

the "chute" benchmark is made to run with LAMMPS granular, with a few changes in the input file (have a look at the LIGGGHTS examples - the difference is outlined in "newContactModels") it should run fine


mpage | Wed, 01/09/2013 - 22:33

Sorry, Christoph

I don't understand your comment. Theer is no difference between the in.chute file I used under lammps and what I am using in lights.

Where can i find info on "newContactModels"?

On the brighter side: I have successfully built lammps and ligghts on a Centos 6.2 system with Intel compilers and libraries.

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Thu, 01/10/2013 - 11:09

>>Where can i find info on "newContactModels"?
you can find the folder in examples/LIGGGHTS

you'd have to modify in.chute so that it can run with LIGGGHTS


mpage | Thu, 01/10/2013 - 21:57

Sorry, Christoph but in the distributions of liggghts and lamps I recently downloaded the only mention I can find of newContactModels I can find is in the file

Every occurrence of the string "newContactModels" is of the form

Also, could you be a little clearer as to what modifications I have to make to in.chute or point me to an outline of the differences?
