Repeated Load Triaxial Test

Submitted by rsharma on Tue, 11/17/2020 - 10:43

How can I implement repeated load triaxial test setup in LIGGGHTS?
Repeated load triaxial test description:
Deviator stress is a haversine load with 0.1 second of loading period and 0.9 sec of relaxation period. For this I understand, I need to use some loop but what is the exact piece of code that I can use to implement this?

mschramm | Tue, 11/17/2020 - 18:12

to implement a loop in liggghts that will perform a process 3 times

# Initiate Variable
variable num_loops equal 0
variable max_loops equal 3

label begin_loop
variable num_loops equal ${num_loops}+1
# set loading fixes
run_time 0.1
# remove loading fixes
# set unloading fixes
run_time 0.9
if "${num_loops}==${max_loops}" then "jump in.liggghts end_loop"
jump in.liggghts start_loop
label end_loop

# Rest of you input script

You can view the following input file that applies a normal force in a shear cell until certain properties are reached.