Remarks on Benchmark 3

Submitted by SamWong on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 07:02

Hi there,

Can someone comment on one of the results in Benchmark 3 where the speed of LIGGGHTS is slower than the commercial code for the continuous blending mixer case? Why is it slower in this test case?

Also, which commercial code is it? Can you please email/message me privately? I'm doing some benchmark myself too.


ckloss's picture

ckloss | Wed, 02/15/2012 - 08:51

Hi Sam,

>>Why is it slower in this test case?
because moving mesh is not fully parallel in LIGGGHTS at the moment

>>Also, which commercial code is it?
If you are the "Sam Wong" I think you are, you probably have a good clue... But I'm not gonna say it :-)

>>I'm doing some benchmark myself too.
cool - if you find out something that you think is of general interest, we could post it if you want

Cheers, Christoph