Reduce the porosity of particle bed

Submitted by Michelle Phan on Mon, 01/13/2020 - 06:24

Hello everyone;
I am trying to validate my numerical model with previous model. Therefore, I am trying to generate 6614 particles into the region 0.028 x 0.0054 x 0.0576, which the particle bed porosity is 0.39. However, I cannot obtain the same result.
LIGGGHTS inserted less particles than requested and my porosity is much higher than model in previous study

The command that I used is :
fix ins all insert/pack seed 15485917 distributiontemplate pdd1 maxattempt 50000 insert_every once overlapcheck yes all_in yes vel constant 0. 0. 0. region insreg particles_in_region 6614

Can anyone suggest me a way to insert more particles and reduce the porosity ?
Thank you