Read data file error

Submitted by carlesbp on Fri, 05/01/2015 - 17:59

Hi all,

I am reading atom positions from a text file without any error to run a rotating mill case. When I visualize my results I see that the particles are in the correct position but only the ones in contact with the geometry of the mill move due to its motion.

I wonder if this is because I have not set any velocity in my text file.

So I tried to add velocity in the file, in a correct format apparently but I cannot find the way for LIGGGHTS to understand it.

Any comments would be appreciated. I am attaching the data file used.

Thanks in advance,


Plain text icon positions_granular22.txt2.91 KB

Daniel Queteschiner | Tue, 05/05/2015 - 10:44

Please share your solution to the problem to help people who may run into the same issue.

carlesbp | Tue, 05/05/2015 - 16:31

Hi Daniel, all,

Thanks for the suggestion, I should have done it in the first place.

I discovered looking through some other posts that you need to set up as much number of columns as you have used to define your atoms.
In my case, I have 7 columns (atom ID, atom type, radius, density, position X, position Y and position Z). So, when I define the velocities I set up the same number of columns (atom ID, vel X, vel Y, vel Z and the rest columns are set with the value 0) and there is no problem for LIGGGHTS to read the input file, as I can see in the terminal that it has read all the positions and velocities.

IF that is not the exact solution, please, let me know which one is it. This, anyway, worked.

