a question about the relation between wall stress and weight of balls for pouring problem

Submitted by adabubu on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 17:39

Hi, everyone, i'm new here. I used LIGGGHTS to simulate pouring problem. The balls are poured into a cylinder under gravity. After the calculation, i got the pressure on the bottom of wall. I would like to know this relationship between this pressure and the weight of balls. Based on soil mechanics, i know the pressure on the bottom wall should be equal the the weight of balls divided by the bottom area (Here i need to mention i am not familar with particle mechanics). Anyone can help me?

ckloss's picture

ckloss | Wed, 12/01/2010 - 17:44

Hi adabubu,

I do not know if I got the question completely right. For the tutorial cases, yes, the pressure on the bottom wall should be roughly equal the the weight of balls divided by the bottom area. But this is a special case. For the general case, you may want to google for "Janssen equation"
