Problems when running tutorials

Submitted by zhang on Wed, 11/18/2015 - 09:26

Dear all:
I can run the tutorials,but when I want to see results,I find the results are separated in four folders:processor 0-processor 3. I tried to use the command "reconstructPar"to merge the results,Although it work with tutorial"cfdemSolverPiso-ErgunTestMPI" etc, this method did not work with the tutorial
"cfdemSolverIB". It warn
cannot find file
file: /home/zwt/CFDEM/CFDEMcoupling-PUBLIC-2.3.1/tutorials/cfdemSolverIB/twoSpheresGlowinskiMPI/CFD/processor0/0.03/polyMesh pointProcAddressing at line 0
from function regIobject::readstream()
in file db/regIobject/regIobjectRead.C at line 73
I then input command "reconstructParMesh" to solve it,and try again the command "reconstructPar",this time it report error
reconstructing lagrangian fields for paticleCloud
cell,tetFace and tetPt search failure at poistion(0.5000001,0.5000001,3.472559)
for requested cell 0
From function void Foam::particle::initCellfacePt()
in file /home/openfoam/OPENFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/src/lagrangian/basic/lnInclude/particleI.H at line 758.
#0 FOAM::error::printStack(Foam::Ostream&) at ??:?
#1 FOAM::error::abort() at ??;?
#2 FOAM::reconstructLagrangianPositions(Foam::polyMesh const&, Foam :: word const&,Foam::PtrList const&) at??:?
#3 at ??;?
#4 __libc_start_main_in"/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
#5 at ??:?
Aborted ( core dumped)
If anyone can give me some advice, I would very very appreciated.Thank you.

j-kerbl's picture

j-kerbl | Wed, 11/18/2015 - 10:59

Hi Zhang,

sometimes reconstructPar has troubles with the created lagrangian data in the processor directories. You can try to use "reconstructPar --noLagrangian" .

However, if you look at the case with paraview, you can just select "decomposed Case" and directly post-process the decomposed data without having to reconstruct it. I usually use this approach.


zhang | Wed, 11/18/2015 - 13:47

HI j-kerbl,
Thank you for your help. I finally solve this problem used your second method. When I use "reconstructPar noLagrange",a error occour
"Wrong number of arguments,expect 0 found 1".
And when used second method ,I choose "Reconstructed case",it works;but if I choose "Decomposed case",paraview show nothing although what I applied is file.foam in processor0 (processor3 in total), I cann't understand why.
But I can see results now anyway;so thank you very much.