Problem with scaling and .stl files and paraview

Submitted by leo1999star on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 01:08

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to pour a certain number of particles over different bodies and shapes.

The problem is that when I visualize the results of the simulation in paraview I don't know how paraview sets the origin of coordinates for the .stl body.

I was also trying to figure out where the .stl body is located when I run the simulation in liggghts? Is there a default position?

Thank you for your attention,

MiRa | Mon, 03/17/2014 - 08:41

Hi Jonathan,

the .stl body is positioned according to its centre of origin. There is no default rotation or translation involved when importing an .stl file into LIGGGHTS. The same should apply to Paraview.

Best regards,